12 Free Platforms to Get High-Paying Clients for Freelance writing jobs!

12 Free Platforms To Get High-Paying Clients For Freelance Writing Jobs!

Last Updated on November 4, 2023 by GREENLEARNERS


You most probably have honed your writing skills and are ready to showcase your portfolio to the world.

But, while having a personal website is undoubtedly beneficial, it’s not the only way to get your work out there and attract high-paying clients.

So, diversifying your online presence across various platforms can be a game-changer!

In this article on GREENLEARNERS TECHNOLOGIES, we’re going to explore 12 free platforms where you can showcase your writing skills and land those lucrative freelance writing jobs.

 Before we dive into the topic proper, did you know that;

  • Freelance writers are in high demand, with businesses of all sizes looking for talented writers to create content for their websites, blogs, and social media channels.
  • The average freelance writer earns $21 per hour, but top earners can make over $100 per hour. (source: Payoneer)
  • Free platforms can be a great way for freelance writers to get started and build their portfolios.

Now you know!

Let’s dive right in!

12 Free Platforms to Showcase Your Writing Skills and Get Freelance Writing Jobs!

Freelance writing jobs africa

Below are the 12 free platforms to showcase your writing skills and get freelance writing jobs.


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Medium

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Medium

Let’s start with the obvious one!

Medium is a fantastic platform that allows you to publish articles, gain followers, and even earn money through the Medium Partner Program.

The exposure you get on Medium can lead to potential clients noticing your work and hiring you eventually.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, Medium is also a free platform to use. 

This means that you can start showcasing your writing skills and gaining followers without having to invest any money upfront.


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Get Freelance Writing Jobs on LinkedIn


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on LinkedIn

In case you did not know before, LinkedIn is not just for networking.

It’s also a great platform to publish your articles and get massive views.

It’s the go-to platform for professionals, making it an ideal place to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients.

Also, LinkedIn has a large network of professionals, so you can easily connect with potential clients who are looking to hire freelance writers.

When you publish articles and connect with other professionals on LinkedIn, you start to build a reputation as a thought leader in your field or industry. 

Consequently, this will make you more attractive to potential clients!

It is also worthy of note that LinkedIn is a free platform to use. 

This means that you can start showcasing your expertise and connecting with potential clients without having to invest any money upfront.


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Twitter

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Twitter

Before we talk about Twitter (now known as X), it might interest you to know that;

  • Twitter has over 229 million daily active users.
  • Over 80% of Twitter users follow at least one business.
  • Over 60% of Twitter users follow at least one thought leader.
  • 73% of freelancers use Twitter for business.
  • 47% of freelancers have generated leads from Twitter.
  • 35% of freelancers have landed clients from Twitter.

Twitter is a wonderful site for sharing short-form content, such as blog posts, articles, and tips because of its character limit of 280 words. 

This is an excellent way to increase traffic to your blog or website and draw in potential clients.

Also, Twitter has a large and active user base, so you can easily connect with potential clients who are looking for freelance writers. 

You can do this by following relevant hashtags, searching for keywords, and joining Twitter chats.

Again, tweeting links to your articles, blog posts, and portfolio will help you advertise your work easily. 

Twitter can also be used to communicate with potential customers on a more personal level and share behind-the-scenes activities.


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Quora

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer website where you can share your knowledge and experience with others.

Quora is a fantastic platform to draw in potential customers and establish your reputation as an industry thought leader.

In your area of knowledge and expertise, you can utilize Quora to respond to questions. 

This is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential clients.

You may establish yourself as a subject-matter expert by responding to questions and sharing your knowledge on Quora. 

In addition to helping you acquire well-paying jobs, this can increase your value to potential clients.


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Reddit

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Reddit

Before we talk about Reddit, here are some relevant statistics about the platform that will interest you;

  • Reddit has over 50 million daily active users.
  • Over 70% of Reddit users are between the ages of 18 and 49.
  • Over 60% of Reddit users are college-educated.
  • Over 50% of Reddit users are employed in professional or managerial occupations.
  • Over 40% of Reddit users have an annual income of over $100,000.

These statistics show that Reddit is a valuable platform for freelance writers to reach potential clients.

Reddit is a social news aggregation and discussion website. 

On Reddit, you can create a subreddit for your writing niche and share your work with other users.

This means that you can set up a subreddit on Reddit for your particular area of writing. 

This is a fantastic method to get in touch with people who share your interest in the subjects you write about. 

Also, You can post your work, solicit feedback, and advertise your services using your subreddit.

You can share your work with other Reddit users by posting links to your articles, blog posts, and portfolio. 

You can also participate in subreddit discussions and share your expertise.


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Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Substack  

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Substack  

Substack makes it easy to create and distribute your newsletter. 

This is a fantastic way to spread the word about your writing to subscribers and create a supportive community around your work online.

You can charge for your newsletter using Substack

As curated by Greelearners Technologies, this is also a good way to make money off of your writing and support yourself as a freelancer.

Also, on Substack, you can communicate with your subscribers, respond to their inquiries, and get comments on your articles. 


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Behance 

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Behance 

Here are some relevant and authentic statistics about Behance and freelance writing as curated by Greenlearners Technologies:

  • Behance has over 25 million monthly users.
  • More than 70% of Behance users are employed in creative fields.
  • Over 60% of Behance users are college-educated.
  • More than 40% of freelance writers use Behance to promote their services.

These statistics above show that Behance is a valuable platform for freelance writers to showcase their work and get freelance writing jobs.

Behance is built to be a visual platform, but you can still use it to showcase your writing skills profitably. 

You can create Behance projects that showcase your writing samples, such as blog posts, articles, and essays.

Also, Behance is a great platform for multidisciplinary creatives and If you have skills in design, multimedia, or other creative fields, you can showcase those skills on Behance to attract high-paying clients as well. 

This can make you more attractive and valuable to potential clients who are looking for multidisciplinary creatives.

Behance has a large community of creative professionals, including potential clients. 

You can use Behance to connect with potential clients and promote your services.


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on HubPages 

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on HubPages 

HubPages is a community of writers who publish articles on a wide range of topics.

It’s a good place to demonstrate your versatility as a writer and potentially attract clients interested in your niche.


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Fiverr 

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Fiverr 

Fiverr is a popular online marketplace where freelancers can offer their services to buyers and get paid for it. 

It allows you to create a profile and showcase your writing skills by including writing samples, testimonials, and other relevant information to attract high-paying freelance writing jobs.

Fiverr got its name from the fact that all gigs on the platform were originally priced at $5 as curated by Greenlearners Technologies. 

This was because the founders of Fiverr wanted to create a platform where people could offer their services for a low price and make a little extra money.

However, over time, Fiverr has evolved into a platform where

freelancers can offer their services for a variety of prices, including high-paying gigs. 

Today, many freelancers on Fiverr charge $100, $200, $500, $1000 or even more for their services.

Also, You can offer your writing services to buyers by creating gigs to attract high-paying clients to give you freelance writing jobs. 

Gigs are listings that describe the services that you offer and the price that you charge. 

During our research about Fiverr on Greenlearners Technologies, we found out that you do not need to pay AT ALL to get started on the platform!

Fiverr has a large community of buyers and sellers, so you have the opportunity to connect with potential clients from all over the world.


Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Upwork

Get Freelance Writing Jobs on Upwork

Upwork is a popular online marketplace where freelancers can offer their services to businesses. 

It is a great platform for freelance writers to attract freelance writing jobs from high-paying clients.

Upwork allows you to create a profile to showcase your writing skills by including writing samples, testimonials, and other relevant information.

Also, Upwork clients post projects and freelancers can bid on them. 

If you win a bid, you will be awarded the project and you can start working on it.

It is worth noting that Upwork has a large community of clients and freelancers, so you have the opportunity to connect with potential clients from all over the world to get freelance writing jobs.

Here are some authentic and relevant statistics about Upwork and freelance writing as curated by Greenlearners Technologies:

  • Upwork is the largest online marketplace for freelancers, with over 12 million registered users.
  • Over 50% of freelance writers use Upwork to find clients.
  • The average freelance writer on Upwork earns $22 per hour.
  • The top 20% of freelance writers on Upwork earn over $50 per hour.

These statistics show that Upwork is a great platform for freelance writers to find high-paying clients and get freelance writing jobs.

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Get Clients on Tumblr 


Tumblr‘s microblogging format allows you to share short pieces of writing, snippets, and thoughts.

It’s a great place to experiment with different writing styles and engage with a unique audience to attract freelance writing jobs.


Get Clients Through Blogger


Google’s Blogger platform offers a straightforward way to create a blog and display your writing skills for free!

It’s user-friendly and integrates well with other Google services.



In conclusion, If you are a freelance writer, these are 12 free platforms that you can use to showcase your writing skills and get high-paying clients. 

As mentioned above, these platforms include Medium, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, Reddit, Substack, Behance, Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, Fiverr, and Upwork.

Each of these platforms has its unique strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose the platforms that are right for you and your niche. 

For example, if you specialize in writing blog posts, you may want to focus on Medium and LinkedIn. 

Also, If you specialize in writing articles, you may want to focus on Quora and Twitter.

By showcasing your writing skills on these platforms, you can attract potential clients who are looking for freelance writers. 

You can also network with other freelance writers and learn more about the industry to position yourself effectively to attract high-paying clients!

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All the information and data presented in this blog post have been thoroughly researched and are based on credible sources within the tech industry. These are some of them;

  1. What is the average freelance salary around the globe?  https://www.payoneer.com/resources/research-reports/average-freelance-salary-around-globe/Medium Partner Program: https://medium.com/partner-program
  2. Upwork Freelance Writing Jobs: https://www.upwork.com/freelance-jobs/writing/
  3. Remote Jobs By Flex Jobs: https://www.flexjobs.com/remote-jobs/writing-editing-journalism
  4. Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/
  5. Reddit on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reddit
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