10 Reasons Why You Should Learn A Tech Skill Today!

Last Updated on September 12, 2024 by Chukwuemeka Maduka

As a tech professional, one of the most frequent questions I get from people is, “Why should I learn a tech skill?”

The answer is simple.

We are in the technology age, and whether you like it or not, technology has succeeded in dominating almost every area of our lives.

From the way we communicate and work to how businesses operate and scale, technology has become the backbone of our modern world.

Many individuals in Nigeria, Africa, and many other regions of the world have embraced technology to lift themselves and their families out of poverty in a matter of years.

Additionally, digital transformation is reshaping entire industries, and tech-savvy individuals are leading this revolution.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a student, professional, or entrepreneur, the benefits of learning tech skills can dramatically change your career trajectory and open doors to numerous opportunities.

In this blog post on Greenlearners Technologies, we’ll explore the 10 reasons why you should learn a tech skill today and how it can positively impact your personal and professional life.

I will also answer your question, “Why should I learn a tech skill?”

So, let’s get started!

1. High Demand For Tech Skills

High Demand For Tech Skills

Tech skills are in high demand across multiple industries.

Companies worldwide are continually looking for professionals who can solve complex problems using technology.

In Nigeria alone, the National Bureau of Statistics highlights that the tech sector contributed 18.44% to the country’s GDP in Q2 2022, reflecting the growing need for skilled professionals in areas like software development, cybersecurity, data science, and cloud computing.

Furthermore, LinkedIn’s 2023 Workforce Report shows that tech-related roles remain among the fastest-growing job categories, emphasizing the critical demand for talent in this field.

So, if you’re still asking, “Why should I learn a tech skill?”

One simple answer I will give you is that tech jobs are abundant.

You will never be broke again in your life if you learn in-demand tech skills!

Which Tech Skills Are In-Demand In Nigeria?

To answer the question, “Which tech skills are in-demand in Nigeria?”, I have curated a list of 15 in-demand tech skills in Nigeria.

The top 15 in-demand tech skills in Nigeria include;

  • Web Development 💻🌐
  • Mobile App Development 📱📲
  • Data Analysis 📊🔍
  • Social Media Management 📱📈
  • Cloud Computing ☁️💾
  • Cybersecurity 🔒🛡️
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 🤖🧠
  • Digital Marketing 📣💼
  • UI/UX Design 🎨🖥️
  • Software Engineering 💻🔧
  • Database Management 🗄️💽
  • DevOps ⚙️🚀
  • Blockchain Technology 🔗💰
  • Project Management 📅✅
  • Internet of Things (IoT) 🌐📶

With the growing tech ecosystem in Africa, especially in countries like Nigeria, learning some of these tech skills can set you up for success in both the local and global markets.

“The demand for software engineers, data analysts, and cloud computing specialists is surging globally, and it’s only going to increase. Tech skills are no longer optional—they’re a necessity.”
— Chukwuemeka Maduka, CEO of Greenlearners Technologies

Why should I learn a tech skill?

We give expert tech career guidance and help you select and learn the tech skills best suited for your personality, goals, and aspirations within 6 to 12 months!

2. Increased Job Opportunities

Increased job opportunities as an answer to Why should I learn a tech skill?

Now, for those still asking, “Why should I learn a tech skill?”

You need to know that one of the significant benefits of learning tech skills is the wide range of job opportunities available.

As businesses across all industries continue to digitize, tech professionals are needed to fill roles that involve programming, project management, data science, marketing, and more.

The digital transformation has created new career paths, so learning a tech skill gives you access to more diverse job options.

Moreover, tech skills often offer remote work opportunities, enabling you to work with clients or companies worldwide from the comfort of your home.

3. Higher Salary Potential

Increase earning potential as an answer to Why should I learn a tech skill?

Again, if you’ve ever asked the question, “Why should I learn a tech skill?”

Then, it’s worth noting that tech careers typically come with higher-than-average salaries.

I mean that tech jobs often pay significantly more than non-tech roles.

I’ve seen people who didn’t go to school or conventional universities earning higher than many lecturers in the universities.

A tech-savvy employee is invaluable to many companies today, and they’re willing to pay more for those skills.

For example, data analysts, software engineers, and cloud computing experts in Nigeria earn salaries well above the national average.

Some Tech Skills and Their Applications

Tech SkillDescriptionApplicationsPotential Career Paths
Web DevelopmentCreating and maintaining websitesE-commerce, corporate websites, web applicationsFront-end Developer, Back-end Developer, Full-stack Developer
Data Science & AnalyticsExtracting insights from large datasetsBusiness intelligence, predictive modelingData Scientist, Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst
CybersecurityProtecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacksNetwork security, ethical hacking, risk managementSecurity Analyst, Ethical Hacker, Information Security Manager
Artificial Intelligence & Machine LearningCreating systems that can learn and make decisionsPredictive analytics, natural language processing, computer visionAI Engineer, Machine Learning Specialist, Research Scientist
Cloud ComputingManaging and delivering computing services over the internetScalable infrastructure, cloud-based applicationsCloud Architect, DevOps Engineer, Systems Administrator
Some Tech Skills with their descriptions and applications

4. Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

solve tech problems

Do you know that the end goal of every tech skill is to help you learn to solve a particular problem?

Nobody will pay you for having a tech skill, but you will be rewarded handsomely for using your tech skills to solve real-world problems!

Learning a tech skill like coding, marketing, or data analysis enhances your problem-solving abilities.

In tech, every project or task you work on will involve solving complex problems using logic and creativity.

So, as you develop these skills, you’ll be better equipped to tackle challenges in various aspects of life and business.

Tech skills teach you how to break down problems, find patterns, and come up with efficient solutions to these problems.

So, the next time someone asks you, “Why should I learn a tech skill?”, tell them that learning a tech skill can help improve your problem-solving abilities!

5. Make Your Career Future-Proof

This is why many people argue that “school is a scam!”

But, is school really a scam?

Well, history has shown us that we need school to be able to access certain knowledge and opportunities.

Even at that, we need education to meet up with the demands of the modern world.

Many people go to school but end up not getting educated. This is where the problem lies!

Most of what you learn in school cannot give you a career that will last you a lifetime unless you decide to educate yourself more.

This is where tech skills can be considered.

As technology advances quickly and continues to rule many industries, you can ensure that your career is ready for the future by learning a tech skill.

Businesses are becoming more and more tech-driven, with industries like retail, healthcare, education, and finance incorporating technology at previously unheard-of rates.

According to the World Economic Forum, 97 million new jobs in industries like data analysis, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing may replace the estimated 85 million jobs that could be eliminated by automation by 2025.

Those who want to stay competitive in today’s work environment must acquire digital skills, as it is no longer a choice.

Again, a survey by IBM revealed that 120 million workers in the world’s largest economies will need to be reskilled within the next three years due to AI’s impact.

So, if you’re aiming for job security or growth today, developing tech skills is your ticket to future-proofing your career and securing a job that will survive for a long time.

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
— Alan Kay, Computer Scientist

6. Tech Helps You To Build Something Meaningful

Mobile app development

With tech skills, you can turn ideas into reality.

Yes, you heard me right!

You can create or build virtually anything you can think of.

It could be creating a mobile app, developing a website, or automating a business process.

These are just a few of what you can do as learning tech gives you the tools to build something meaningful and impactful.

This not only gives you personal satisfaction but can also have a tangible impact on the world around you.

7. Freelance And Entrepreneurship Opportunities

Tech skills open up a world of freelancing and entrepreneurial opportunities.

I am a freelance web designer and digital marketer, and I make a lot of money from the comfort of my home working for different companies across the globe.

Also, I’m a tech entrepreneur building my own business at Greenlearners Technologies.

So, if you’ve ever dreamed of working for yourself or starting your tech venture, having a tech skill allows you to offer services like web development, graphic design, or SEO optimization to a global audience.

Additionally, if you’re passionate about starting a tech startup, having a technical background is invaluable in building and scaling your business.

8. Improve Digital Literacy

digital literacy

The world is going digital, and having basic tech skills significantly improves your digital literacy.

Do you know?

There was a time when it was weird to hear people say that they didn’t know how to browse the internet.

Today, it’s very unusual to hear people say that they don’t know what AI is or haven’t used it at all!

So, everyone needs an understanding of how the internet works or how to protect themselves online, as being digitally literate is essential in today’s modern society.

Learning a tech skill can also help you navigate digital tools and platforms more efficiently, making you more productive.

9. Empowerment And Independence

Financial Independence as an answer to Why should I learn a tech skill?

Another major reason to learn a tech skill is empowerment and being independent financially.

When you have the ability to code, design websites, or analyze data, you don’t have to rely on others to solve your technical issues.

This independence not only boosts your confidence but also saves you time and money.

You become your own tech support, and this knowledge empowers you to take on more complex projects or even help others with their tech needs.

10. Continuous Learning and Innovation

continous learning as an answer to Why should I learn a tech skill?

Since technology is constantly evolving, there is always something new to discover and learn.

As soon as you master one tech skill, another one, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, or machine learning, appears.

You can maintain your creativity and advance in your work by always learning new things.

Learning something new every day gives you additional opportunities and keeps you interested in what the tech world will bring us next.

It resembles an endless journey where every new finding heightens the intrigue of the voyage.

Additionally, keeping up with the most recent trends can make you an invaluable member of any team or project.

So, accepting this field’s constant change implies you’re continuously learning and changing, which makes your work interesting and demanding.


In conclusion, learning a tech skill today isn’t just about keeping up with trends but more about future-proofing your career, increasing your earning potential, and becoming more independent in both your personal and professional life.

Believe me, you don’t want to be left out in tech, as the world is changing fast with technology at the forefront.

So, if you are looking to switch careers, advance in your current field, or simply enhance your problem-solving abilities, the importance of tech skills cannot be overstated.

Now is the perfect time to learn a tech skill and begin your journey in the world of technology!

Hope I answered your question, “Why should I learn a tech skill?” perfectly?

Let me know in the comment section!

FAQs About Learning Tech Skills

1. Why is tech skill important?

Tech skills are important today because they not only make you more employable but also help you understand and navigate the technology-driven world we live in. The importance of tech skills lies in their ability to future-proof your career, increase your problem-solving abilities, and open up new opportunities across various industries.

2. Why should I learn a tech skill?

Learning a tech skill helps you stay relevant in a rapidly changing job market. It enhances your critical thinking skills, makes you more adaptable to change, and can lead to exciting career opportunities. Understanding technology also enables you to make informed decisions about the tech you use in your daily life.

3. Why do you want to learn the selected tech skills?

People choose to learn specific tech skills for various reasons:

  • Career Advancement
  • To increase their earning potential
  • Personal interest
  • To solve specific problems
  • To stay competitive in their field
  • To pursue entrepreneurial ventures

4. Why should I be considered for tech training?

When applying for tech training, highlight your:

  • Passion for learning and growth
  • Ability to think logically and solve problems
  • Commitment to completing the training
  • Plans to apply the skills in your career or personal projects
  • Understanding of the tech industry’s importance

5. What is the best tech skill to learn?

The “best” tech skill depends on your interests and career goals. However, some in-demand skills include:

  1. Cloud Computing
  2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  3. Data Science and Analytics
  4. Cybersecurity
  5. Web Development
  6. Mobile App Development
  7. UX/UI Design

6. Why do you want to learn a skill?

You may want to learn a new skill, especially a tech skill, to:

  • Boost your confidence
  • Increase your market value
  • Open up new career opportunities
  • Help you stay relevant in a changing job market
  • Allow you to pursue personal projects or hobbies

7. What is a tech skill?

A tech skill is a capability or proficiency in using, developing, or managing technology. This can range from programming languages and software development to data analysis and digital marketing. Tech skills are often categorized as hard skills, meaning they are specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured.

8. Which tech skills are most in demand in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, some of the most sought-after tech skills include:

  1. Web Development
  2. Mobile App Development
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Digital Marketing
  5. Cloud Computing
  6. Cybersecurity
  7. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

These skills align with Nigeria’s growing tech ecosystem and the increasing digitization of businesses across various sectors.

9. Why are technical skills important for students?

For students, technical skills are crucial because they:

  • Enhance employability after graduation
  • Foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
  • Prepare them for the digital workplace
  • Encourage innovation and creativity
  • Provide a foundation for lifelong learning in a tech-driven world
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